We generally follow the breaks of Seattle Schools, with the exception of teacher in-service days.
Snow closures usually coincide with Seattle Schools as well. Late snow day start for Seattle Public Schools usually means we will start on time. Check your email on questionable mornings. Thank you!
September 9 First day of school
November 11 Veterans Day Observed (no school)
November 25-28 Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day (no school)
December 23–January 2, 2025 Winter break (no school)
January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)
February 17-21 Mid-winter break, including Presidents Day (no school)
April 14-18 Spring break (no school)
May 26 Memorial Day (no school)
June 26 Last day of school (12:00 graduation celebration upstairs) This is later than SPS -since we are observing mid-winter this school year.